
National Theater “Marin Sorescu” Craiova

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written by Ivan Vîrîpaev, directed by Bobi Pricop
Running time: 110 min.
Scenography: Andreea Simona Negrilă
Genre: drama
Translation: Bogdan Budeş
Opening night: 29 May 2015
Stage Manager: Mircea Vărzaru
iluzii 3iluzii


In Ivan Viripaev’s play, four performers in their 30s take turns to narrate the stories of two elderly and long-married couples. They begin at the ends of the lives and shuttle backwards and forwards to weave wavering pictures of their shifting relationships. Vyrypaev’s Illusions brought together several important tendencies that have been developing in Russian performing art in the last years; like the primacy of estranged monologues, the lack of interaction, the emphasized “internal speech”.

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