The romancers

The Romancers by Edmond Rostand

Role: Percinet

“Nottara” Theater

There are mainly five characters in this play: Sylvette and her father Pasquinot, Percinet and his father Bergamin, and Straforel, a hired killer. A wall has divided the park. Percinet is sitting on the wall reading Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet to Sylvette, who is standing on the other side leaning against the wall. Sylvette does not want him to read about Romeo’s death. Their fathers hate each other and this hatred has divided them

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In his play “The Romancers” Edmond Rostand satirizes the sentimentalism and escapism of Romantic literature of his times. Percinet is the only son of Bergamin and Sylvette is the only daughter of Pasquinot. Their fathers who are widowers and neighbors make a plan to marry their children with each other.

Cast: Serban Gomoi, George Costea, Sorina Stefanescu, Irina Draganescu, Gabi Costin; director: Alex Mazgareanu